VSN 30.12.2021

viimeinen ilmoittautumispäivä: 23.12.2021
SW1 Beach Hamlet RSE VH13-001-0010
SW2 Turma VH21-080-0021
SW3 Serpentspire PB VH21-011-0349
SW4 Hazelburn VH21-011-0319

Reserve Champion
Rævhøjgaard's Cassanova VH21-010-0039
DLHS Watch Your Back VH20-014-0074
Tuiskulan Eilis VH19-046-0078
Heimatdichter Lee VH21-011-0445
Cave of Red Fireworks VH21-011-0431
Krypton Cave VH21-011-0350
Fionha Lind VH21-046-0009
Namys Raisa VH21-001-0106
Santa Fe Spinner VH20-014-0131
Coritani VH18-011-0016
Cajun Candy RC VH21-038-0156
Falcavella VH21-013-0069

1. harvinaiset hevosorit 1. CH Kemiina (VRL-02815) - Turma VH21-080-0021 2. RCH turjake (VRL-07415) - Rævhøjgaard's Cassanova VH21-010-0039 3. RCH Dimma (VRL-08204) - DLHS Watch Your Back VH20-014-0074 4. RCH felissa (VRL-04000) - Tuiskulan Eilis VH19-046-0078 5. VRL-10531 - CHR Classic Jargoon VH21-014-0170 6. Ireth (VRL-03777) - Prokopiy Namys VH21-001-0105 7. Ireth (VRL-03777) - Namys River Dance VH21-104-0011 8. felissa (VRL-04000) - Dyantha's Ambrós VH21-046-0036 9. Kuunokka (VRL-09334) - Dragon Says Rawr VH19-209-0013 10. VRL-04374 - Game of Throans VH20-014-0013 11. VRL-04374 - Troian VH21-039-0061 12. VRL-10531 - Flammable Smoke DLHS VH21-052-0067 Kemiina (VRL-02815) - Turma VH21-080-0021 VRL-04374 - Game of Throans VH20-014-0013 VRL-04374 - Troian VH21-039-0061 felissa (VRL-04000) - Dyantha's Ambrós VH21-046-0036 felissa (VRL-04000) - Tuiskulan Eilis VH19-046-0078 VRL-10531 - CHR Classic Jargoon VH21-014-0170 VRL-10531 - Flammable Smoke DLHS VH21-052-0067 Ireth (VRL-03777) - Prokopiy Namys VH21-001-0105 Ireth (VRL-03777) - Namys River Dance VH21-104-0011 turjake (VRL-07415) - Rævhøjgaard's Cassanova VH21-010-0039 Kuunokka (VRL-09334) - Dragon Says Rawr VH19-209-0013 Dimma (VRL-08204) - DLHS Watch Your Back VH20-014-0074 2. muut hevosorit 1. CH abyss. (VRL-01372) - Serpentspire PB VH21-011-0349 2. RCH Oona (VRL-11983) - Heimatdichter Lee VH21-011-0445 3, RCH Tiikeri (VRL-10741) - Cave of Red Fireworks VH21-011-0431 4. RCH Tiikeri (VRL-10741) - Krypton Cave VH21-011-0350 5. eatnama (VRL-00620) - Friendly Fellow MacLily VH21-038-0162 6. Dee (VRL-13383) - Syrjän Tohveli VH21-018-1134 7. abyss. (VRL-01372) - Ebony Tears PB VH17-044-0200 8. VRL-04374 - Wolfram VH15-044-0195 9. eatnama (VRL-00620) - Sushi Tuesday VH21-045-0093 10. VRL-04374 - Venyamin Roc VH21-021-0100 11. Dee (VRL-13383) - Empyrean Corruption VH21-021-0154 12. Oona (VRL-11983) - Traumatisch Lee VH21-011-0342 abyss. (VRL-01372) - Ebony Tears PB VH17-044-0200 abyss. (VRL-01372) - Serpentspire PB VH21-011-0349 Dee (VRL-13383) - Empyrean Corruption VH21-021-0154 Dee (VRL-13383) - Syrjän Tohveli VH21-018-1134 eatnama (VRL-00620) - Sushi Tuesday VH21-045-0093 eatnama (VRL-00620) - Friendly Fellow MacLily VH21-038-0162 VRL-04374 - Wolfram VH15-044-0195 VRL-04374 - Venyamin Roc VH21-021-0100 Oona (VRL-11983) - Traumatisch Lee VH21-011-0342 Oona (VRL-11983) - Heimatdichter Lee VH21-011-0445 Tiikeri (VRL-10741) - Cave of Red Fireworks VH21-011-0431 Tiikeri (VRL-10741) - Krypton Cave VH21-011-0350 3. harvinaiset hevostammat 1. CH Tiikeri (VRL-10741) - Beach Hamlet RSE VH13-001-0010 2. RCH felissa (VRL-04000) - Fionha Lind VH21-046-0009 3. RCH Ireth (VRL-03777) - Namys Raisa VH21-001-0106 4. RCH VRL-04374 - Santa Fe Spinner VH20-014-0131 5. Katariina A. (VRL-13828) - Flowergirl KSR VH17-034-0025 6. Katariina A. (VRL-13828) - PP's Aeolia VH18-040-0021 7. Kuunokka (VRL-09334) - Darth Gaga '63 VH19-209-0002 8. Ireth (VRL-03777) - Yevdokiya Namys VH21-001-0107 9. VRL-10531 - Like a Thousand Pounds of Dynamite VH21-052-0103 10. Kuunokka (VRL-09334) - Nox Darth Moira VH21-209-0046 11. Dimma (VRL-08204) - Commoner's Lady VH16-037-0023 12. VRL-10531 - Maliseet Ion VH21-037-0054 VRL-04374 - Santa Fe Spinner VH20-014-0131 Tiikeri (VRL-10741) - Beach Hamlet RSE VH13-001-0010 felissa (VRL-04000) - Fionha Lind VH21-046-0009 VRL-10531 - Maliseet Ion VH21-037-0054 VRL-10531 - Like a Thousand Pounds of Dynamite VH21-052-0103 Ireth (VRL-03777) - Yevdokiya Namys VH21-001-0107 Ireth (VRL-03777) - Namys Raisa VH21-001-0106 Katariina A. (VRL-13828) - Flowergirl KSR VH17-034-0025 Katariina A. (VRL-13828) - PP's Aeolia VH18-040-0021 Kuunokka (VRL-09334) - Darth Gaga '63 VH19-209-0002 Kuunokka (VRL-09334) - Nox Darth Moira VH21-209-0046 Dimma (VRL-08204) - Commoner's Lady VH16-037-0023 4. muut hevostammat 1. CH abyss. (VRL-01372) - Hazelburn VH21-011-0319 2. RCH abyss. (VRL-01372) - Coritani VH18-011-0016 3. RCH eatnama (VRL-00620) - Cajun Candy RC VH21-038-0156 4. RCH Tiikeri (VRL-10741) - Falcavella VH21-013-0069 5. Tiikeri (VRL-10741) - Olivia Cave VH21-013-0067 6. Oona (VRL-11983) - Oldfinion Elfenglocke VH17-013-0156 7. VRL-04374 - Shaakira al Tafirin VH20-003-0001 8. eatnama (VRL-00620) - Her Excellency MacLily VH21-038-0152 9. Dee (VRL-13383) - Katveen Tulilatva VH21-018-1330 10. Oona (VRL-11983) - Marmeladerot Lee VH17-011-0196 11. VRL-04374 - Sangria Hood VH19-066-0006 12. Dee (VRL-13383) - Dulcina Couture VH21-021-0185 abyss. (VRL-01372) - Coritani VH18-011-0016 abyss. (VRL-01372) - Hazelburn VH21-011-0319 Dee (VRL-13383) - Dulcina Couture VH21-021-0185 Dee (VRL-13383) - Katveen Tulilatva VH21-018-1330 eatnama (VRL-00620) - Cajun Candy RC VH21-038-0156 eatnama (VRL-00620) - Her Excellency MacLily VH21-038-0152 VRL-04374 - Shaakira al Tafirin VH20-003-0001 VRL-04374 - Sangria Hood VH19-066-0006 Oona (VRL-11983) - Marmeladerot Lee VH17-011-0196 Oona (VRL-11983) - Oldfinion Elfenglocke VH17-013-0156 Tiikeri (VRL-10741) - Falcavella VH21-013-0069 Tiikeri (VRL-10741) - Olivia Cave VH21-013-0067